Special Alerts


Stay informed about potential scammers and unethical practices within the industry.


**The information presented on the Special Alerts platform is intended to provide the industry with awareness of potential risks, including scammers, fraudulent claims, and unethical behavior. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, FDB Collections does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the alerts listed.**

VERIFICATION: Alerts are based on reports from various sources and may include unverified claims. Users are encouraged to conduct their own due diligence before making any decisions based on the information presented here.

NO LIABILITY: FDB Collections is not liable for any actions taken or not taken based on the content of the alerts. The platform serves as a resource for informational purposes only, and we do not endorse or support any specific claims made in the reports.

FAIR USE: The alerts on this platform are not intended to defame, harm, or discredit any individual or company. If you believe that any information is incorrect or unfairly presented, please contact us to request a review or removal of the content.

REPORTING AND SUBMISSION: Reports submitted to the Special Alerts platform are subject to review and verification before being published. By submitting a report, you acknowledge that the information you provide is true to the best of your knowledge and that you accept full responsibility for its content.


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We're excited to have you on board and look forward to keeping you updated.